All of our technicians carry a mobile key cutting machine. Nobody should be forced to drive around town just for a simple key replacement. Locksmith Residential Baltimore , Maryland wants to make this process more convenient for you. The ones we produce are made with quality materials and are sturdy as can be. Check them out and see what the buzz is about.
Prices that match the services offered

We make new keys cheap because the process does not cost much for us. And we believe something so important for every citizen to have should not be overpriced. Getting a key replacement is something everybody should do if theirs is lost or broken. Why wait to have it done if it is so easy to do so? Locksmith Residential Baltimore , MD can relieve you of your problems.
People don’t only ask for us to replace keys. They also like to plan for the future by getting spares made. Because when you are prepared for an accidental home lockout, it can end up turning a bad situation into an easily managed one. Do not wait for retrospect to kick in, act now!
Waiting and emergencies don’t mix
Locksmith Residential Baltimore understands the urgency of emergency key replacement. This is not something that can be put off or scheduled for a later date. Especially when there are children or pets inside. We will get your doors opened before making your copy because priorities come first. None are too difficult to replicate, and no door is beyond our capabilities.
The 24 hour locksmiths staffed by us are fast and reliable. They do not hesitate and will head straight to wherever you are as soon as your call has been taken. Let’s get yourself and your family back inside where you all belong. That cool AC is waiting for you. We’ll speed up the process.

Locksmith Residential Baltimore
1421 S Caton Ave,Baltimore, MD 21227
(410) 824-1088
Mon- Fri : 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Sat - Sun: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM